Rasmus Math  
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Rasmus Math is highly user-friendly. It focuses on specific areas of the math curriculum and allows users to work on ‘bite sized’, easily digestible exercises accompanied by instant on-line marking and assessment. This website covers the fundamental elements of mathematics for children 8 to 18  years of age.

Users can buy a one year licence to use Rasmus Math.

See the pricelist

When a school or an institution buys a one year licence  the school is allowed to give passwords to any member of the school, pupils, teachers or other members of the staff. Each school will be given one password which is valid for one year. This password can be used by everyone in the school who wishes to access the web site.

See the registration form

The material on Rasmus Math is copywrite to Rasmus e.h.f and is intended for the use of students, teachers and parents in schools that have subscribed to the website.

Does your school subscribe to Rasmus Math ? Check here.


Rasmus Math co Rasmus ehf

Miðleiti 3

109 Reykjavík  Iceland

Tel 354 + 8993698

E-mail  algebrais@rasmus.is